View of Iowa River, south from Hancher footbridge |
Dehumidifiers, Voxman School of Music, 2009 |
Nile Kinnick; Kinnick Stadium |
View west from Old Capitol steps |
Old Capitol at sunset |
The swiftly changing light cast a glow over the limestone buildings of the Pentacrest. As the sun finally faded over the horizon, I went in search of the Adler Building, the new home to the School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
courtyard of Philip D. Adler Building |
Recent alumni publications had featured the facility, namely the sculpture in its courtyard, and I wanted to see it for myself. The courtyard glowed with the languages carved from the sculpture.
There isn't much I wouldn't do to be in Iowa City this weekend as my Hawkeyes take on Penn State for Homecoming. Instead, I will be a part of that Hawkeye disapora, though my heart will be there, ready for the boom and praying for a chance to sing our victory polka.
Pentacrest at twilight |
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