Friday, August 6, 2010

The Collections: People

Lincoln Center; New York, NY
In a way, conventional portraiture captures us as we would like to see ourselves, while shots of our everyday lives captures us as we are: in the moment, a confluence of time and space forever frozen outside of either.  

Bicycles; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Our things betray our presence.  Our memories of those who have passed evoke a range of emotions.  Our stories are only as real as those who share them: who we are is just as dependent on those around us as it is on how we define ourselves.  

Want to see more?  Explore the collection.


  1. Your prose is as evocative as your photographs. I find myself reading and re-reading the line about "our stories." Did you write that for me? :)

  2. Ashley, I'd like to think I wrote that for all the wonderful people in my life.
